Stage Rigging

Theatrical Rigging Equipment

Stage rigging is a term generally describing how equipment on stage is suspended and/or moved.  Rigging can be dead hung, manually operated or motorized, and serves many purposes.  In a dead hung facility, the rigging is used to suspend equipment and does not move.

If the rigging can move, its primary purpose is to move scenery, stage lighting, or curtains in the backstage area up into the fly loft, or down to the stage level.  The ability to lower heavy pieces of equipment to floor level enables users to transfer stage lighting, scenery and curtains without the use of ladders or lifts.

The ability to move scenery pieces up and out of the way allows a theatre company to expand their repertoire to more advanced productions.  There can be several types of rigging systems used in a single stage, depending on production and budget requirements.  Stagecraft can integrate rigging systems to meet the needs of your facility.  Our installation crew is the best in the country and provides the final vital service of quality installation of the stage rigging equipment.  There are thousands of facilities that use Stagecraft rigging equipment.   Please contact a representative to help customize your order or receive additional specifications.

Single purchase Counterweight

This is the workhorse of the rigging world.  Based on the simple understanding that if you have 200 pounds of stage equipment you need 200 pounds of counterweight to balance the load.

The term single purchase indicates that it is a one-to-one system, not only in the weight as described above, but in its movement – if you pull the rope one foot, the load (scenery, for example) moves one foot.

See double purchase counterweight to the right for further explanation.  Its simplicity and durability means it is very affordable compared to other rigging systems.

Double Purchase Counterweight

This is another example of the workhorse of the rigging world.  It is different from the single purchase in that its design incorporates a pulley at the top and bottom of the arbor.

The counterbalancing of the load changes, so that if you have 200 pounds of stage equipment you need  400 pounds of counterweight to balance the load.  The term double purchase indicates that it is a two-to-one system, not only in the weight as described above, but in its movement – if you pull the rope one foot, the load (scenery, for example) moves two feet.

Since this system is located above the stage, it saves valuable off-stage space, and offers a the distinct advantage for the flyman who can see onto the stage area from this elevated vantage point.  Its simplicity and durability also means it is very affordable compared to other rigging systems.

There are many examples of this type of rigging system in service for more than 30 years!   There are thousands of facilities that use Stagecraft rigging equipment.   Please contact a representative to help customize your order or receive additional specifications.

Motorized Stage Rigging Types

Motor Control

We provide the Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC) family of motor controls including Quick Touch and Foundation control systems.

Their unparalleled 24 hour customer support and reputation for quality products make their hoists our first choice, and the most requested by the end-user.

Motorized Rigging: Package hoist

We utilize ETC’s “package hoists” including the Vortek, Prodigy line of hoists.  Stagecraft can install them all!

Motorized Rigging: Motor Assist Counterweight

An affordable option combining counterweight rigging with motorized rigging.  A motor is introduced into the system to move the load.  Since the motor is not moving the entire load (it still needs to be a balanced load) the motor does not have to be as large as say if it were to lift the entire load.  It still is subject to the principals as outlined in the single purchase counterweight.  There are many control options, allowing an operator to move rigging with a push of a button.  There are thousands of facilities that use Stagecraft rigging equipment.   Please contact a representative to help customize your order or receive additional specifications.

Motorized Rigging: Lineshaft

Another example of a workhorse in the rigging world. This simple system can be used to hoist stage curtains, scenery and lighting.  Imagine being able to lift thousands of pounds of equipment with a push of a button, with no counterweights, rope splinters, or large crews This design eliminates the need for counterweight adjustments, pulling of ropes, and will not use valuable back stage space as necessary in counterweight systems.

By eliminating head pulleys, special steel beams on one side of the stage are not necessary.  The entire system can span existing beams, thus distributing the vertical load evenly.

Line shafts have been installed in professional theatres, schools, churches, stages with existing counterweight sets, and above seating areas for hard to reach lighting positions.  These can be just the answer for facilities that have limited side stage space, limited steel beams above, or simply don’t want to use counterweight rigging systems to lift their heaviest loads – stage lighting, orchestra ceilings, or heavy scenery.

There are thousands of facilities that use Stagecraft rigging equipment.   Please contact a representative to help customize your order or receive additional specifications.

ETCP Certified Rigging Experts

Stagecraft is an ETCP Recognized Employer, committed to reduce risk and promote workplace safety.

Stagecraft agrees to abide by these Best Practices:

  • Utilize ETCP Certified Electricians in management/lead/supervisory positions.
  • Utilize ETCP Certified Technicians where appropriate.
  • Promote electrical safety and safe practices in venues where we work.
  • Encourage and support continuing education/training for renewal of ETCP credentials.
  • Promote honesty and integrity to ensure electrical systems meet industry standards.
  • Support industry initiatives to further electrical safety and research to promote safer venues.



5051 N Lagoon Ave
Portland, OR 97217


5503 6th Ave South
Seattle, WA 98108