Stage Curtains
Stage Curtain Options
Stage curtains serve many purposes. Their primary purpose is to mask, or hide, the backstage area from the audience’s sight line. This includes all of the stage lights, rigging hardware, rear and side walls, props and performers.
Stage Curtain Layout
Float over curtain type below to highlight on stage
- Valance
- Front Curtain
- Border Curtain
- Leg Curtain
- Rear Curtain
- Scrim/Muslin
A great moment in performing arts is that of the anticipation just as the lights dim and the curtain opens to reveal the stage scenery and performers.
The curtains provide an appealing look to the stage, have sound absorption qualities and can be used for special effects. The Valance and Front Curtain are in the front, called the Front Setting, and usually are a different color that the Rear Setting. They can represent the school’s colors, or compliment the color scheme of the auditorium.
Fringe can be added for additional flare, and the school’s letters added to the valance. The Borders, Legs, and Traveler curtains, comprises the Rear Setting, and are usually black in color. Lining can be added to the back of the curtains for added protection, and the fullness, or pleating, can be adjusted.
All stage curtains must be flame resistant to meet building code. Scrim and Muslin drops are used for special effects, and can be a permanent curtain, or purchased for a particular show. Our fabrics meet NFPA 701 flame resistance requirements.
We sew all stage curtains in our state-of-the-art facility in Portland, Oregon to your specifications. Please contact a representative to help customize your order, receive additional specifications, and color cards.